My projects

S3 Static Website Hosting

Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) is a great platform for hosting static websites without the need of a web server and it can be made accessible in minutes. Hosting a static website provides number of benefits including its cost-effectiveness where you only pay for the storage and bandwidth you use.

High Availability with Auto Scaling

Highly available systems are reliable and they continue to function even if essential components fail. Auto Scaling and Elastic Load Balancing are features of the AWS that can be used separately or together for elasticity and high availability. Auto Scaling automates the process of launching and terminating the EC2 instances based on the traffic for your application.

3-Tier Architecture in AWS

The 3-tier architecture is the most popular infrastructure pattern and consists of three layers, one public layer and two private layers. This architecture is used in a client-server application where the web application has a frontend, a backend, and a database. The public layer has a web tier, and the two private layers have an application tier and a database tier respectively. The public layer acts as a shield to the private layers. The public layer is publicly accessible, while the two private layers are only accessible within the network.